Dear friends,
Please be aware that there have been 3 reported cases of dengue fever in the past three weeks in UNITEN. Dengue fever is a disease caused by one of a number of viruses that are carried by mosquitoes. Student are advised to be careful and take these precautions (taken from Ministry of Health):
- Any sources of standing water (buckets, vases, etc.) where the mosquitoes can breed must be eliminated.
- Use mosquito repellent in your house.
- Close the windows and doors of your apartment early in the morning and late evening (especially for those who live at ground and 1st floor).
- Wear bright colored long sleeve shirt.
Symptoms of the disease appear suddenly and include high fever, chills, headache, eye pain, red eyes, enlarged lymph nodes, a red flush to the face, lower back pain, extreme weakness, and severe aches in the legs and joints. This initial period of illness lasts about two or three days. After this time, the fever drops rapidly and the patient sweats heavily. After about a day of feeling relatively well, the patient's temperature increases again, although not as much as the first time. A rash of small red bumps begins on the arms and legs, spreading to the chest, abdomen, and back. It rarely affects the face. The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet become swollen and turn bright red. The characteristic combination of fever, rash, and headache are called the "dengue triad." Most people recover fully from dengue fever, although weakness and fatigue may last for several weeks.
Lets pray for those infected with the disease to fully cure. Hopefully all staffs and students staying in UNITEN are alert and take precautions to prevent any further cases of dengue.
Best regards,
Syed Nabil bin Syed Jalal.
Secretary General,
Student Representative Council 09/10.
University of Tenaga Nasional.
through the Student Affairs Centre
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