Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Notice for Foundation Students Trimester 2 2009/10

Students completing their Foundation Program and due to join the Degree Program on 5 July 2010 (Semester 1, 2010/2011) are advised to check your examination results online from 25 February 2010 (8pm onwards).

The last day to check and confirm your entry into the degree program is on the 1 July 2010. You may view your status as 'SUCCESSFUL' or 'NOT SUCCESSFUL'.

Please take the following steps, according to your status:


1. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been offered a place for a degree program and your new student ID can be obtained at the UNITEN Info.

2. Please click on the 'Activate New Student ID' button to accept the offer before the deadline on 1 July 2010.

3. You can then see the new lecture timetable. Please print a copy.

4. You will need a new password and User ID in order to access the system as a degree student. For the purpose of creating the new password and User ID, please go to ITMS or to any computer terminal in Uniten (except students' apartments) to change your password. Please use your new degree ID and password for online registration and computer lab access.

5. Complete your 'Study Plan' for Semester 2, 2010/11 according to the date and time slot given for the add and drop session.

6. Ensure your name is spelled correctly (as in your Identity Card / Passport) in the Uniten Info before 16 July 2010. You may collect your Foundation certificate at the Office of the Registrar (Putrajaya Campus) or Administration Office (KSHAS) starting from 20 August 2010.

7. Transcript and offer letter must be collected at the Sunken Garden, Ground Floor, Admin Building (Putrajaya Campus) or Administration Office (KSHAS) on 1 July 2010.

8. PTPTN Loan Application
For details on PTPTN loan application please download
PTPTN Loan Procedure or contact Puan Norma Hassan at the Student Affairs Centre (Putrajaya Campus) or Puan Nooraini Senawi at Sponsorship & Counselling Unit (KSHAS).

9. You are required to attend a special briefing by your college. Please contact the administration office of your respective colleges for further information.


If you have not completed 2 years in the foundation program, you will be allowed to continue the program and repeat the relevant subjects;


Discontinue studies.


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